Wednesday, March 7, 2007

So drinking half a bottle of wine last night and drunk dialing James was probably not a good idea

Owen just emailed me and asked what I was talking about. I swear, he's probably the most web savvy out of all of us and he's still lagging.

Anyway, Serina has been leaving comments one each of our posts. So if you go back and look at old posts and click on the comments section, you'll see what she's written in the past. It's better to just write a new post than to leave comments though, just for that reason. It's easier to tell when someone has read or updated the blog when you see a new post.

Deb: I tried to sketch something out for you but it wasn't coming out right. Probably because I was doing it in black pen and it really needs to be in color. I'll try again.

So my friend Jill hired me to be her personal assistant, part-time. It's sort of fun and gets me out of bed but at the same time it's 20 degrees out here so I kind of wish I could stay in bed. But I'm doing random stuff like taking her dress to get hemmed and sending letters and packages out for her. She's the one I always dog sit for. I swore I would never be anyone's assistant again but she's my friend so I don't mind as much.

My head is pounding. I was bored and depressed last night and decided wine and a lotto ticket would help so I convinced my roommate, Dennis, to drink a bottle with me and to trek into the cold and buy a lotto ticket with me and then stay up and wait for the winning numbers. We didn't win. But I did get the Mega number. I still haven't figured out if I get anything from that. Do you guys know? Also, I drunk dialed James and told him I didn't trust him which probably wasn't the best move but I don't and now I don't know where to go from here. Doesn't he know that I'm too lazy to check up on him? I don't want to be the type of person that's wondering what's going on, who this person is or why he clears the history every time he checks his email on my computer. What the hell? I AM TOO LAZY FOR THIS CRAP. Doesn't he know me at all? Can't he just be honest? The sad thing is, even if he were honest, would I believe him? I'm beginning to see why people say once the trust is gone it's hard to go on. It's like that Elvis Presley song, "Suspicious Minds." I don't want to be that person - the crazy chick that is always worried about some random speck of dust indicating he's lying to her.

I'm tempted to blame it all on global warming. It's the scapegoat for everything else.

Speaking of bad weather, it seemed like spring was here last weekend when it was sunny and bright and 46 degrees but then it turned around and dropped to 30 degrees and now I'm pissed because it got my hopes up only to be CRUSHED. And I can only wear my leggings for so many days in a row.

I hate depression.

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