Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Caffeine High

I'm a little shaky from caffeine but I probably needed it as I was super tired earlier. On second thought, I guess deb's email wasn't super clear. Your comprehesion skills are probably still in check. Debs, I kind of disregarded the kid thing as I wasn't sure where you were going with it. I hope you're not discouraged cuz of the Masters Programs. You still got the highest score in chem, remember? :-D Anyway, I called you giving my or rather, my friend's input. He is about 40 yrs old and pretty knowledgable in the med. field. He also used to be an EMT and friends who were nurses and doctors and what not. Anyway, he says get your RN license. It's not cost effective or practical to get a second bachelor's. The only reason you would want one is if you want to do admin stuff and besides, you already have one. Let me know if you have any more questions.

Em, I turned 21 a while ago and I remember you telling me that when I was younger. I'm thinking Vegas would be cool. I do want to practice gambling prior though as I realized I don't really have a handle on that and I would say there's a bit of learning involved. Japan sounds very cool. Japan first, then Vegas? or vice versa? Might as well make that a family thing too. I'd bring Viv along as her weirdness may attract some positive energy and her luck can be surprising. (you know I think you're cool viv, well, sort of.. :-D haha, jk).

I wanted to do a road trip to Niagra Falls. I keep forgetting it's above that side of the world. I'm trying to save money so no go for me on NY. I heard plane tickets are hella cheap to China. $800-1400 round trip from SFO or Chicago on United or American. I don't know if you bought your tickets yet but check it out if you can. :)

yelp.com is a good source/ guidance to look for good food and location spots. You guys (yiyi and 'em) might want to look at that. I should probably tell yiyi that so maybe she can plan better.

alrighty, ttyl!

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