Monday, August 18, 2008

Cool Article on how HP started

Birth of the Cool (Company, That Is).

With a nut of $500 in cash, borrowed from Terman, plus a used Sears, Roebuck drill press, Hewlett-Packard swung into action in the small shed behind Packard's modest house at 367 Addison Ave. The company's first product, released in 1938, was an audio oscillator used for testing sound equipment. When the Walt Disney Company bought eight of them to develop the technically advanced movie Fantasia, HP was off-and-running.

Saturday, August 9, 2008


So I bought my ticket to SFO and I will be home from August 27 through September 1st.

I have to check out Tira's spa but other than that, no plans. I was thinking a road trip to Yosemite... any takers? It's almost my birthday around that time, we can re-live my 21st. Except for the Serina-fainting episode.


Wow, I like the jewelry Viv. The leaf box you made is pretty. A red bag sounds nice. Thanks. :D. You should post on in addition to your website. Well, I know you're in Brazil so I hope you're having fun. Talk to you soon.

Saturday, August 2, 2008


Hey Guys,

So now I've uploaded pictures of our new comfy couches. So comfy I think I've gain a lot of weight! Don't you also like how Owen is my model? Also Gong Gong bought us a new glass Tv stand and fixed his Sony flat screened TV for us. Our living room looks pretty different and will be even more different once we paint it. Any paint suggestions?

Hope you guys are doing well and I'll talk to you once I get back!


Metal Arts

Hey guys,

So picasa finally helped me upload my photos. These are some of things I made in class. The two earrings I made on my own with wire @ home. I plan to start selling I hope. My elephant melted, but I plan on taking another metal class in the future so hopefully I can repair him. The square ring is yours em (I know you don't like gold, but its brass actually and sterling is super expensive). I'm also working on a handbag but once I get used to all the sewing and patterning, you get a bag Serins. I'm working on a red one now and hopefully a black one when I get back from Brazil (your choice). I'm leaving on Monday! Sorry for missing your call serina, been busy!

Here are pics: