Thursday, May 31, 2007

hello world

Hey guys,

Wow debs, hope you feel better. Do you have that stinky stuff mommy uses to put on the mosquito bite? Actually do you know if it has any healing properties? cuz I thought it deters other bugs. Please tell James thanks very much for his help. I wouldn't want him to continue investing his time to look as I haven't done the thorough research myself and I'm looking to actually buy in the next few months. (I'm trying to allot myself time as I organize my finances but the car thing is on my mind more and more). I am looking at a Toyota or Honda. I do like the Toyota Corolla as I find the Camry or Honda Accord way too big for me. I am also considering the Toyota Pscion tC (but it's 2-door) and the Honda Civic. The one that's cheapest will probably win me over. I'm not too picky about the style as long as it's realiable and those two brands are best known for reliability.

Viv, the biscotti you made is pretty good. It's very sweet. Is there a lot of sugar (brown?) and butter in it? It works very well with my very bland hot chocolate (it looks like just cocoa, some milk, and mostly water) and makes the other biscotti I'm eating (from Trader Joe's) a bit tasteless. I noticed in your Seattle Pics you went into that really pretty library. Very neat. I remember taking a pic of the outside when I was there. It was probably one of my fav pics. Congrats on getting your intern Viv. Which one are you talking about? Are you going to do both then? As far as the bamboo.. maybe you can try drying the bamboo from the backyard and make a creative variation of the one in the pic. Otherwise your best bet is probably Chinatown.

Thanks in advance for the gift em. You can come visit me if you'd like. It's a typical apt set up. It's better than my old one though. I got a bigger kitchen and more functional space, less space per room (from the old one) overall though.

I'm heading to DC next week for work. I'm doing alright overall. I've decided to keep Bun-bun for a while. He sleeps funny. He just drops on his side and he does that on the couch too. I gave away Cho-cho. I was kind of sad. Alright guys, ttyl!

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