Saturday, May 5, 2007

Back in the game...

Hi guys,

sorry I was MIA. it's been busy and hectic and crazy and everything else you can think of. Let's start way back:

In early April: james got an infected cyst. He went the dr. after a week of trying to bear it. The dr. squeezed it and the pus shot the dr. in the eyes. Luckily he was wearing glasses. Over the weekend the pain kept getting worse--to the point where james couldn't move anymore...well, he could move but couldn't bend at the waist. I took him back to the dr. on Monday morning. The dr. sliced open the cyst to allow for it to drain (i had to wait in the waiting room, James didn't want me in with him, b/c he said I would more interested in the procedure than having any concern for him). After that, he became more mobile. He still has to wait 6-8wks for it to completely heal before they can surgically remove it.

School's been hectic: Tues, Wed, Thurs 6-10pm and them sometimes Mon 2-8pm. This is a program to get certification for nursing assistant, certified. Those are the people that take care of the senior citizens. I'm doing this to get more points to get into the nursing program. The community college program goes by a point system, to give people without a degree a fair chance.

james and I celebrated our one year anniversary last weekend: we went out of town to the Olympic pennisula. We hiked in the rainforest and stayed in a very thinned-walled motel the first night. The next night we stayed in a resort. We had a great time.

We also just bought a new house! Before leaving for our trip last saturday, we looked at a mixed-income developing project community. We weren't planning to buy at all, but we liked it lot even though we're in the middle of the ghetto. The immediate surroundings are nice and we are walking distance to a nice downtown area. Our new house will be 2.5x the size of current one and we get to pick out colors, floors, fixtures, and wall colors. And the new light rail is very close. It won't be done till Nov/Dec of this year. We plan to put our house on the market in September. Here's some more info if you're interested:

We have lot #7, it has the same floor plan as lot #10

Viv, show mommy the website and the plot we bought. Ask her if it's good fuong-shuoi.

I would like to have a website where I can post updates/photos on the progression of the house for everyone. Does anyone have any good recommendations of the best way to do that?

In June, I will begin to work full-time at the clinic. Viv and her friend are coming out to visit at the end of May. Mommy should be coming the last weekend of June.

Those are my updates for now.

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