Hey guys,
Wow debs, hope you feel better. Do you have that stinky stuff mommy uses to put on the mosquito bite? Actually do you know if it has any healing properties? cuz I thought it deters other bugs. Please tell James thanks very much for his help. I wouldn't want him to continue investing his time to look as I haven't done the thorough research myself and I'm looking to actually buy in the next few months. (I'm trying to allot myself time as I organize my finances but the car thing is on my mind more and more). I am looking at a Toyota or Honda. I do like the Toyota Corolla as I find the Camry or Honda Accord way too big for me. I am also considering the Toyota Pscion tC (but it's 2-door) and the Honda Civic. The one that's cheapest will probably win me over. I'm not too picky about the style as long as it's realiable and those two brands are best known for reliability.
Viv, the biscotti you made is pretty good. It's very sweet. Is there a lot of sugar (brown?) and butter in it? It works very well with my very bland hot chocolate (it looks like just cocoa, some milk, and mostly water) and makes the other biscotti I'm eating (from Trader Joe's) a bit tasteless. I noticed in your Seattle Pics you went into that really pretty library. Very neat. I remember taking a pic of the outside when I was there. It was probably one of my fav pics. Congrats on getting your intern Viv. Which one are you talking about? Are you going to do both then? As far as the bamboo.. maybe you can try drying the bamboo from the backyard and make a creative variation of the one in the pic. Otherwise your best bet is probably Chinatown.
Thanks in advance for the gift em. You can come visit me if you'd like. It's a typical apt set up. It's better than my old one though. I got a bigger kitchen and more functional space, less space per room (from the old one) overall though.
I'm heading to DC next week for work. I'm doing alright overall. I've decided to keep Bun-bun for a while. He sleeps funny. He just drops on his side and he does that on the couch too. I gave away Cho-cho. I was kind of sad. Alright guys, ttyl!
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Deb's I still have your house key. sorry! Would you like me to send them to you or send them back with mommy when she goes to Seattle?
Deb's I still have your house key. sorry! Would you like me to send them to you or send them back with mommy when she goes to Seattle?
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Hey guys,
Sorry I've been out. I've been trying out how to upload these pictures! How is everyone doing? Sorry to hear you got more sick Debs. How in the heck did you manage that? Also thanks for having us in Seattle. I think thats been my best trip yet. I still haven't recovered from all the food I've eaten.
I'm starting my internship June 4th! yay!
I can try to make the shishi, but does anyone know where I can get bamboo like that?
Sorry I've been out. I've been trying out how to upload these pictures! How is everyone doing? Sorry to hear you got more sick Debs. How in the heck did you manage that? Also thanks for having us in Seattle. I think thats been my best trip yet. I still haven't recovered from all the food I've eaten.
I'm starting my internship June 4th! yay!
I can try to make the shishi, but does anyone know where I can get bamboo like that?
Still sick....
hi guys,
Sorry. I forgot to blog. I've been sick. I'm more sick now, Viv. Are you doing all right?
And then yesterday, I got a mosquito bite--my hand/arm is twice its normal size and it ACHES! I can't spell right now!
Anyways, other than that I'm doing fine. We've been busy with the house. Turns out we have to take one wall one down to the lath; I was hoping to only have to take down the wallpaper. But the plaster was damaged, so...
James is taking paint off some window sills. Our retaining wall is being fixed and we're getting bids to have the outside of the house painted. And I have meetings with designer assigned to me for the new house to make sure that we get everything as we like it. It's been CRAZY BUSY! And I start full-time at work next week. Oh well, life goes on.
Em, when you are coming to visit? Have you checked out flight prices yet? It was great that you could post slide shows of your asia trip here. You'll have to show me how to do that. Thanks for the souvenirs. I'm looking forward to having them.
Serina, James has been researching car sales for you. He found a dealer in Buena Park that is selling new Toyota Corrollas for $12,900. You should look in to that if you're serious. He also looked up interest rates: 2.9% for a 3-yr loan, 3.9% for a 4-yr loan, and 4.9% for a 5-yr loan. So it's basically what I had for my 5-yr loan. James wasn't sure if you wanted the Toyota Corrolla b/c it was the one you saw on sale or if you just really liked it. You should really pick the brand/model you really like and then research it. I'm sure that James would be very happy to research it for you. We've had Toyota dealers leaving us messages for the past 3 days now!
Have you guys been looking at the pics I've posted of the new construction? How come you don't write any comments? Don't you have opinions?
Sorry. I forgot to blog. I've been sick. I'm more sick now, Viv. Are you doing all right?
And then yesterday, I got a mosquito bite--my hand/arm is twice its normal size and it ACHES! I can't spell right now!
Anyways, other than that I'm doing fine. We've been busy with the house. Turns out we have to take one wall one down to the lath; I was hoping to only have to take down the wallpaper. But the plaster was damaged, so...
James is taking paint off some window sills. Our retaining wall is being fixed and we're getting bids to have the outside of the house painted. And I have meetings with designer assigned to me for the new house to make sure that we get everything as we like it. It's been CRAZY BUSY! And I start full-time at work next week. Oh well, life goes on.
Em, when you are coming to visit? Have you checked out flight prices yet? It was great that you could post slide shows of your asia trip here. You'll have to show me how to do that. Thanks for the souvenirs. I'm looking forward to having them.
Serina, James has been researching car sales for you. He found a dealer in Buena Park that is selling new Toyota Corrollas for $12,900. You should look in to that if you're serious. He also looked up interest rates: 2.9% for a 3-yr loan, 3.9% for a 4-yr loan, and 4.9% for a 5-yr loan. So it's basically what I had for my 5-yr loan. James wasn't sure if you wanted the Toyota Corrolla b/c it was the one you saw on sale or if you just really liked it. You should really pick the brand/model you really like and then research it. I'm sure that James would be very happy to research it for you. We've had Toyota dealers leaving us messages for the past 3 days now!
Have you guys been looking at the pics I've posted of the new construction? How come you don't write any comments? Don't you have opinions?
Friday, May 25, 2007
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
It's great hearing from you all but I would love to see some pics too. Serins, what does your new apt look like? Viv, can you post some pics of your Seattle visit?
I know
I'm sorry I've missed all your calls. After Sam's visit, I spent a lot of time catching up with James and then cleaning up my apartment and getting everything in order, like mailing out your guys' gifts.
Anyway, what's up?
Anyway, what's up?
Nice interface
I like the new interface. It also contrasts a lot with the previous one. You're hard to catch Em. I've been trying to get a hold of you on the phone for a while..
Viv, since when did you use the phrase "mighty good"? I thought it sounded pretty funny. Have fun in Seattle!
Hi Debs. How's everything coming along with school, work, and planning for the new place?
I'm doing alright. There seems to never be enough time in the day and I sleep a lot!! I still end up feeling so tired... Work's been busy. tty'all soon! :)
Viv, since when did you use the phrase "mighty good"? I thought it sounded pretty funny. Have fun in Seattle!
Hi Debs. How's everything coming along with school, work, and planning for the new place?
I'm doing alright. There seems to never be enough time in the day and I sleep a lot!! I still end up feeling so tired... Work's been busy. tty'all soon! :)
In Seattle
Hi all,
I got into Seattle and the weather is very nice! I got your clothes from NY and picked out a couple of things and some I gave to Serina. I didn't get the CS 1 disc though. It wasn't in the bag and I asked mommy when she got back, so I'm curious as to where it went. Don't worry about it though I will probably end up having to buy it when school starts and maybe someone at my internship will help me. That package you're sending sounds "mighty" good. Thanks em.
I think I figured out my intership thing. I will probably work both.
Ok I'm off to go exploring. I'll see you later!!!!!
I got into Seattle and the weather is very nice! I got your clothes from NY and picked out a couple of things and some I gave to Serina. I didn't get the CS 1 disc though. It wasn't in the bag and I asked mommy when she got back, so I'm curious as to where it went. Don't worry about it though I will probably end up having to buy it when school starts and maybe someone at my internship will help me. That package you're sending sounds "mighty" good. Thanks em.
I think I figured out my intership thing. I will probably work both.
Ok I'm off to go exploring. I'll see you later!!!!!
If you can do both
Do both. Don't know how flex the schedule is but yeah, do both. You don't need a life anyway.
How is Seattle right now?
I just sent a box home of some things I got for you guys in Asia. Also there are some clothes that I don't wear anymore. They're nice and some are new. Did Mommy bring back that bag of clothes from NY for you, Viv? Did you find anything? I dropped the CS discs in there too. It's CS1, not 2.
There's a ton of snacks for Owen, and a small bag each for you guys (Serins, Deb, Viv). Hopefully it'll get there before Mommy goes to visit Deb.
Anyway, I wish I were in Seattle right now. Weather is amazing here but it's pretty boring being here alone.
How is Seattle right now?
I just sent a box home of some things I got for you guys in Asia. Also there are some clothes that I don't wear anymore. They're nice and some are new. Did Mommy bring back that bag of clothes from NY for you, Viv? Did you find anything? I dropped the CS discs in there too. It's CS1, not 2.
There's a ton of snacks for Owen, and a small bag each for you guys (Serins, Deb, Viv). Hopefully it'll get there before Mommy goes to visit Deb.
Anyway, I wish I were in Seattle right now. Weather is amazing here but it's pretty boring being here alone.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Late Input
So let's see. Your choices are:
#1. Continue on to accept the unpaid internship at an architecture firm; full time
#2. Wait for potential paid internship; full time
Do you know how flexible each is? Or at least the first one? Because what if they both want you to work from 8-5pm.
Since it's just for the summer, taking both sounds like a really good idea. It may be hard but it'll pay off in the long run or at least until you get a feel for both places and decide how you like it, etc.
My advice is to see how flexible both places are. If they are, take both.
#1. Continue on to accept the unpaid internship at an architecture firm; full time
#2. Wait for potential paid internship; full time
Do you know how flexible each is? Or at least the first one? Because what if they both want you to work from 8-5pm.
Since it's just for the summer, taking both sounds like a really good idea. It may be hard but it'll pay off in the long run or at least until you get a feel for both places and decide how you like it, etc.
My advice is to see how flexible both places are. If they are, take both.
Off to Seattle
Thanks for the advice. Actually both are architectural internships. Its just that the paid one (about $1000 a week) is 40 hours a week so I'd actually have to cut back on the other one, but thats fine. I should probably just do the one I signed up for now.
Sorry i missed all your calls yesterday em.
i will call you, Debs when I get there. Mommy bought you a box of curry pastries. Guess you're going to be smelling like curry for a week? It's ok you'll just make me hungry in the mornings or you've got to brush your teeth extremely well! Just kidding! See you soon!
No present takers???
Thanks for the advice. Actually both are architectural internships. Its just that the paid one (about $1000 a week) is 40 hours a week so I'd actually have to cut back on the other one, but thats fine. I should probably just do the one I signed up for now.
Sorry i missed all your calls yesterday em.
i will call you, Debs when I get there. Mommy bought you a box of curry pastries. Guess you're going to be smelling like curry for a week? It's ok you'll just make me hungry in the mornings or you've got to brush your teeth extremely well! Just kidding! See you soon!
No present takers???
I agree with Deb
Apply for the paid internship but start the architecture internship. By the time you hear from the paid internship, you'll know whether you want to stay at the architecture internship. The architecture internship provides you with experience and contacts. If you want to make money, you can apply to other positions (around the arch internship schedule).
Monday, May 21, 2007
It rained today...real rain, not just drizzles.
It's suppose to be sunny for the rest of the week.
But I can't guarantee anything.
Bring a light rain jacket.
average temp =63-70 degrees.
Call me when you get in on my cell.
It's suppose to be sunny for the rest of the week.
But I can't guarantee anything.
Bring a light rain jacket.
average temp =63-70 degrees.
Call me when you get in on my cell.
Want to do
Here's my list:
Pike Place Market
Mount Ranier???
Pioneer Square
Volunteer Park?
The Locks
I researched a couple of buildings for the architecture as well.
There are a couple of other places but these are the major ones.
Pike Place Market
Mount Ranier???
Pioneer Square
Volunteer Park?
The Locks
I researched a couple of buildings for the architecture as well.
There are a couple of other places but these are the major ones.
Do both.
You said you're considering working 7days a week to do both anyways. Like you said you can't guarantee that you'll get the paid one and you're already slated for the unpaid one, of which you want a future job there.
You've had a nice relaxing quarter off. It's only for the summer anyway. You'll have more references and opportunites/choices if you have experience with both companies. It will also help you find out you likes and dislikes of each.
Good luck!
See you tomorrow!
BtB you still haven't sent me your "want to do" list.
You said you're considering working 7days a week to do both anyways. Like you said you can't guarantee that you'll get the paid one and you're already slated for the unpaid one, of which you want a future job there.
You've had a nice relaxing quarter off. It's only for the summer anyway. You'll have more references and opportunites/choices if you have experience with both companies. It will also help you find out you likes and dislikes of each.
Good luck!
See you tomorrow!
BtB you still haven't sent me your "want to do" list.
Question? Question?
Hey guys,
So I need some advice. I am applying for an internship and the due date is coming up but I am suppose to call the other internship (unpaid) to let them set up a station for me 2 weeks prior to when I work (which I told the head lady that I would be ready to begin early June). The internship I am applying for is paid, but it is also full time so I can't do both (although I might try working 7 days a week so I can do both). So here is my dilemma:
I want the paid internship but I don't want to back out on the architecture firm and look bad because I might consider working for them during the school year or next summer, however I cannot guarantee I'll get the other internship. So question is what do I do?
PS. Those are some awesome pictures especially the one wher you and Nancy are harassing the poor statue.
So I need some advice. I am applying for an internship and the due date is coming up but I am suppose to call the other internship (unpaid) to let them set up a station for me 2 weeks prior to when I work (which I told the head lady that I would be ready to begin early June). The internship I am applying for is paid, but it is also full time so I can't do both (although I might try working 7 days a week so I can do both). So here is my dilemma:
I want the paid internship but I don't want to back out on the architecture firm and look bad because I might consider working for them during the school year or next summer, however I cannot guarantee I'll get the other internship. So question is what do I do?
PS. Those are some awesome pictures especially the one wher you and Nancy are harassing the poor statue.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Hey Debs,
I was wondering if you can email me your address in Seattle and perhaps the buses to take from the Airport to Seattle, just in case? Thanks!
Do you guys want anything from Seatlle?
I was wondering if you can email me your address in Seattle and perhaps the buses to take from the Airport to Seattle, just in case? Thanks!
Do you guys want anything from Seatlle?
Monday, May 14, 2007
Hi hi!
Debs, I linked your site from this one. You can see it on the right column. You can also take it away if you don't want it there. I booked mommy's ticket and sent you a copy of the itinerary this past weekend. I didn't make any plans to visit as I thought you'd be busy and didn't know if I had to be invited or not. :P
Not much going on my end besides what I've told you. Work's been picking up and I'm glad.
Alright all, gotta run. Take care and ttyl!
I'll be visiting home next weekend. :)
Not much going on my end besides what I've told you. Work's been picking up and I'm glad.
Alright all, gotta run. Take care and ttyl!
I'll be visiting home next weekend. :)
Friday, May 11, 2007
I remember...
Yep, she did use to call me 'orange chicken'. and yep, I was one from time to time and still can be one from time to time. I don't remember her calling you "my fair lady" though, em. But then again, I can't figure out the translation.
They're fraternal twins which means the % of same genes they share is the same as any other sibling. It is only in identical twins that the genetic makeup is 99.9% the same. Fraternal twins arise when two eggs are released at the same time and then fertilized by different sperm.
BTB, great photos so far, Em!
Love to help with mom's retirement fund. What are you going to do? By the way, have you gotten mommy's tickets yet? Can you get them soon? Have her arrive 6/25 around noon and leave Monday 7/2 any reasonable time (meaning not too late for her and not too early for me).
Thank you for the card you guys sent. It is very pretty. We're going to frame it.
Serina, you mentioned blogger for our house website? Is that what we're using now? I would rather one more picture-oriented. Maybe I'll just use less words then...
BTB Serina, how come you don't have plans to visit me? Even Emily is thinking of visiting me. =)
Em, thanks for trying for the water fountain. If you could make one, that would be even betterb/c it's signature by you. I don't think I specified a picture to be painted. Pick anything that is aesthetically-pleasing.
Approximate move-in time for the new house is Nov 2007. We haven't sold our old yet. Our real estate agent suggests listing mid-August to early September. Any opinions there?
I'll post some pics of the construction soon...or maybe I'll create the blog. But not tonight, I'm so beat. Good night.
They're fraternal twins which means the % of same genes they share is the same as any other sibling. It is only in identical twins that the genetic makeup is 99.9% the same. Fraternal twins arise when two eggs are released at the same time and then fertilized by different sperm.
BTB, great photos so far, Em!
Love to help with mom's retirement fund. What are you going to do? By the way, have you gotten mommy's tickets yet? Can you get them soon? Have her arrive 6/25 around noon and leave Monday 7/2 any reasonable time (meaning not too late for her and not too early for me).
Thank you for the card you guys sent. It is very pretty. We're going to frame it.
Serina, you mentioned blogger for our house website? Is that what we're using now? I would rather one more picture-oriented. Maybe I'll just use less words then...
BTB Serina, how come you don't have plans to visit me? Even Emily is thinking of visiting me. =)
Em, thanks for trying for the water fountain. If you could make one, that would be even betterb/c it's signature by you. I don't think I specified a picture to be painted. Pick anything that is aesthetically-pleasing.
Approximate move-in time for the new house is Nov 2007. We haven't sold our old yet. Our real estate agent suggests listing mid-August to early September. Any opinions there?
I'll post some pics of the construction soon...or maybe I'll create the blog. But not tonight, I'm so beat. Good night.
That's funny
Hi all! Nice pic Em. That's funny about Uncle Caesar and Auntie Ella.
I have an announcement for all of you. I will be creating a family medical history portofolio and would like all of you to participate. Standby for a phone call or email. :)
Mother's day is coming up. Do you guys have any plans for it? I will be visiting next weekend. I will probably just take her out for food. Viv do you want in on this? Instead of taking her out separately, we can pick a fancier place. On a separate note, I'd like to help her plan her retirement. Anyone want to help on this? It might be good experience into planning our own or at least start thinking about it if you haven't done so.
That's all folks! :P
I have an announcement for all of you. I will be creating a family medical history portofolio and would like all of you to participate. Standby for a phone call or email. :)
Mother's day is coming up. Do you guys have any plans for it? I will be visiting next weekend. I will probably just take her out for food. Viv do you want in on this? Instead of taking her out separately, we can pick a fancier place. On a separate note, I'd like to help her plan her retirement. Anyone want to help on this? It might be good experience into planning our own or at least start thinking about it if you haven't done so.
That's all folks! :P
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Okay, so the people in the pic
are, from left to right, Nancy, Michelle, me, Auntie Lucille (Daddy's twin), uh...the guy is Michelle's husband, and the older woman is Kum Po (Joyce Kwok), Daddy's aunt-in-law. Kum Po visited us years ago with Yeye, I don't know if you remember her. She used to call me "My Fair Lady" because I shared seaweed with Vivian and she used to call Debbie "Orange Chicken" (say it in Chinese) b/c Debbie threw a lot of temper tantrums while they visited. Of course I love her. Haha! Michelle is Daddy's cousin and Kum Po's daughter.
I don't think Auntie Lucille looks like Daddy, do you guys? I did have another dinner with Yeye and Uncle Cesar and Auntie Ella and one of their sons (Chris). They are so funny! Uncle Cesar does look a lot like Daddy. They were saying I should go karaoke and asking if I went to all the bars. My chinese was infinitely better with them, they were great. They said that Winnie had just been there last summer. Auntie Ella was trying to get me to take a picture with Chris so that I could "pretend" that I had a boyfriend. LOL. Uncle Cesar saw pictures of me and James on my camera but gave no comment. It's a trip b/c they're very Chinese. I didn't tell them that I was unemployed, the lifestyle is very different in HK. They're so hardworking, everyone works, they wouldn't understand why I wasn't working. It's good though b/c it put me back in the mindset of working and succeeding. Chris works in IT and Cyrus, their other son, is studying electrical engineering at HK University (which is supposed to be super-hard to get into). I think Daddy told them I was a lawyer b/c they asked me twice if I was.
I don't think Auntie Lucille looks like Daddy, do you guys? I did have another dinner with Yeye and Uncle Cesar and Auntie Ella and one of their sons (Chris). They are so funny! Uncle Cesar does look a lot like Daddy. They were saying I should go karaoke and asking if I went to all the bars. My chinese was infinitely better with them, they were great. They said that Winnie had just been there last summer. Auntie Ella was trying to get me to take a picture with Chris so that I could "pretend" that I had a boyfriend. LOL. Uncle Cesar saw pictures of me and James on my camera but gave no comment. It's a trip b/c they're very Chinese. I didn't tell them that I was unemployed, the lifestyle is very different in HK. They're so hardworking, everyone works, they wouldn't understand why I wasn't working. It's good though b/c it put me back in the mindset of working and succeeding. Chris works in IT and Cyrus, their other son, is studying electrical engineering at HK University (which is supposed to be super-hard to get into). I think Daddy told them I was a lawyer b/c they asked me twice if I was.
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Bad rep
viv, stop giving me a bad rep. you know ne1 can read this! :P
Those are nice pics em. I have to agree with viv. There seems to be a lot of resemblance among all the people in the pic, 'cept nancy. How's yeye doing?
Those are nice pics em. I have to agree with viv. There seems to be a lot of resemblance among all the people in the pic, 'cept nancy. How's yeye doing?
It's hot!!!
Hi guys.
Is it all hot in your areas as well because I think SF is in a major heat wave!! It's really really hot!!!! Deb's how did James get a cyst and can I say "poor doctor". Well i hope James will be okay (how big do cysts get?). Hey serina are you done organizing samples yet? Just kidding! You know I'm never gonna let that go.
Hey em, nice picture what part of cambodia is that a picture of? Did you get a chance to go to Angkor wat or Angkor Thom? Or is that Angkor wat? It looks like it. Its suppose to be gorgeous! And that's a nice family picture. Don't take this the wrong way, but look at the picture I think you have the same head as Yeye or at least face shape. What's your next stop after your rest in NY? Niagara Falls or was it Grand Canyon?
Is it all hot in your areas as well because I think SF is in a major heat wave!! It's really really hot!!!! Deb's how did James get a cyst and can I say "poor doctor". Well i hope James will be okay (how big do cysts get?). Hey serina are you done organizing samples yet? Just kidding! You know I'm never gonna let that go.
Hey em, nice picture what part of cambodia is that a picture of? Did you get a chance to go to Angkor wat or Angkor Thom? Or is that Angkor wat? It looks like it. Its suppose to be gorgeous! And that's a nice family picture. Don't take this the wrong way, but look at the picture I think you have the same head as Yeye or at least face shape. What's your next stop after your rest in NY? Niagara Falls or was it Grand Canyon?
Monday, May 7, 2007
Here's a pic
Aw man, that cyst sounds pretty bad. I'm surprised the dr wasn't more careful. Please give James my regards as well.
Congratulations on your one yr anniversary. Did you like the card Mommy sent? Mommy, Viv, and I picked it out. Congratulations on your new house too! very exciting stuff! The picture and floor plan look very nice.
I recommend blogger because you can post pics and discuss updates. You also don't have to create another username and password AND you can link it to this site (er.. if you want). :) flickr and yahoo are also good. :D
No worries about the bag, em. It sounds like you had a lot of fun. I want to see pics when you get the chance. : ) I have no plans of visiting debs anytime soon.
tty'll later!
Congratulations on your one yr anniversary. Did you like the card Mommy sent? Mommy, Viv, and I picked it out. Congratulations on your new house too! very exciting stuff! The picture and floor plan look very nice.
I recommend blogger because you can post pics and discuss updates. You also don't have to create another username and password AND you can link it to this site (er.. if you want). :) flickr and yahoo are also good. :D
No worries about the bag, em. It sounds like you had a lot of fun. I want to see pics when you get the chance. : ) I have no plans of visiting debs anytime soon.
tty'll later!
I've been in Asia.
I like the floorplan and the rendering of your new house, Deb. When will it be ready to move in? Are you excited? Give my regards to James, I hope he is doing better and wish him a quick recovery.
I just got into Singapore today and I'm flying back to New York on Wednesday. I'm sorry, Deb. I couldn't find the water fountain you wanted but I did find instructions on how to make one online so I'll try and see if I can put that together. Viv, I didn't find the screenprinter either. Serins, the bag you wanted was out of style - so I didn't see any there. I'm sorry guys. I couldn't find anything for James (my James) either. I know, I know, I suck. I swear though, I've been flying from country to country and I'm sort of beat. I have pictures from dinner with YeYe and I'll post them sometime when I get back.
Deb, if you're just uploading photos, you can use flickr or picasa or yahoo photos or smugmug. If you want a blog-type site, you can start one on blogger. Did you sell your old house then?
Serins, how's the new apartment? Are you going to visit Deb too?
All this typing is making me tired. Until next time.
I just got into Singapore today and I'm flying back to New York on Wednesday. I'm sorry, Deb. I couldn't find the water fountain you wanted but I did find instructions on how to make one online so I'll try and see if I can put that together. Viv, I didn't find the screenprinter either. Serins, the bag you wanted was out of style - so I didn't see any there. I'm sorry guys. I couldn't find anything for James (my James) either. I know, I know, I suck. I swear though, I've been flying from country to country and I'm sort of beat. I have pictures from dinner with YeYe and I'll post them sometime when I get back.
Deb, if you're just uploading photos, you can use flickr or picasa or yahoo photos or smugmug. If you want a blog-type site, you can start one on blogger. Did you sell your old house then?
Serins, how's the new apartment? Are you going to visit Deb too?
All this typing is making me tired. Until next time.
Saturday, May 5, 2007
Back in the game...
Hi guys,
sorry I was MIA. it's been busy and hectic and crazy and everything else you can think of. Let's start way back:
In early April: james got an infected cyst. He went the dr. after a week of trying to bear it. The dr. squeezed it and the pus shot the dr. in the eyes. Luckily he was wearing glasses. Over the weekend the pain kept getting worse--to the point where james couldn't move anymore...well, he could move but couldn't bend at the waist. I took him back to the dr. on Monday morning. The dr. sliced open the cyst to allow for it to drain (i had to wait in the waiting room, James didn't want me in with him, b/c he said I would more interested in the procedure than having any concern for him). After that, he became more mobile. He still has to wait 6-8wks for it to completely heal before they can surgically remove it.
School's been hectic: Tues, Wed, Thurs 6-10pm and them sometimes Mon 2-8pm. This is a program to get certification for nursing assistant, certified. Those are the people that take care of the senior citizens. I'm doing this to get more points to get into the nursing program. The community college program goes by a point system, to give people without a degree a fair chance.
james and I celebrated our one year anniversary last weekend: we went out of town to the Olympic pennisula. We hiked in the rainforest and stayed in a very thinned-walled motel the first night. The next night we stayed in a resort. We had a great time.
We also just bought a new house! Before leaving for our trip last saturday, we looked at a mixed-income developing project community. We weren't planning to buy at all, but we liked it lot even though we're in the middle of the ghetto. The immediate surroundings are nice and we are walking distance to a nice downtown area. Our new house will be 2.5x the size of current one and we get to pick out colors, floors, fixtures, and wall colors. And the new light rail is very close. It won't be done till Nov/Dec of this year. We plan to put our house on the market in September. Here's some more info if you're interested:
We have lot #7, it has the same floor plan as lot #10
Viv, show mommy the website and the plot we bought. Ask her if it's good fuong-shuoi.
I would like to have a website where I can post updates/photos on the progression of the house for everyone. Does anyone have any good recommendations of the best way to do that?
In June, I will begin to work full-time at the clinic. Viv and her friend are coming out to visit at the end of May. Mommy should be coming the last weekend of June.
Those are my updates for now.
sorry I was MIA. it's been busy and hectic and crazy and everything else you can think of. Let's start way back:
In early April: james got an infected cyst. He went the dr. after a week of trying to bear it. The dr. squeezed it and the pus shot the dr. in the eyes. Luckily he was wearing glasses. Over the weekend the pain kept getting worse--to the point where james couldn't move anymore...well, he could move but couldn't bend at the waist. I took him back to the dr. on Monday morning. The dr. sliced open the cyst to allow for it to drain (i had to wait in the waiting room, James didn't want me in with him, b/c he said I would more interested in the procedure than having any concern for him). After that, he became more mobile. He still has to wait 6-8wks for it to completely heal before they can surgically remove it.
School's been hectic: Tues, Wed, Thurs 6-10pm and them sometimes Mon 2-8pm. This is a program to get certification for nursing assistant, certified. Those are the people that take care of the senior citizens. I'm doing this to get more points to get into the nursing program. The community college program goes by a point system, to give people without a degree a fair chance.
james and I celebrated our one year anniversary last weekend: we went out of town to the Olympic pennisula. We hiked in the rainforest and stayed in a very thinned-walled motel the first night. The next night we stayed in a resort. We had a great time.
We also just bought a new house! Before leaving for our trip last saturday, we looked at a mixed-income developing project community. We weren't planning to buy at all, but we liked it lot even though we're in the middle of the ghetto. The immediate surroundings are nice and we are walking distance to a nice downtown area. Our new house will be 2.5x the size of current one and we get to pick out colors, floors, fixtures, and wall colors. And the new light rail is very close. It won't be done till Nov/Dec of this year. We plan to put our house on the market in September. Here's some more info if you're interested:
We have lot #7, it has the same floor plan as lot #10
Viv, show mommy the website and the plot we bought. Ask her if it's good fuong-shuoi.
I would like to have a website where I can post updates/photos on the progression of the house for everyone. Does anyone have any good recommendations of the best way to do that?
In June, I will begin to work full-time at the clinic. Viv and her friend are coming out to visit at the end of May. Mommy should be coming the last weekend of June.
Those are my updates for now.
Thursday, May 3, 2007
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