Tuesday, December 4, 2007

what rain boots?

Are you talking about the yellow ones, Em? I suppose so..I'm sure someone could use them while they're here.

I don't know if we'll get a tree or not. We talked to our new next door neighbors who have a tree up but will be leaving for Hawaii. James asked him if we could have it right before they leave. I don't know if that will go through or not, but we can go buy one once you guys arrive. They'll probably be on sale. We might not have deco for them though; depends on how fast we can find them among our boxes. We do have a fireplace though; we can hang up stockings.

I'm thinking I'll get Owen a giftcard. He loves cash. What store do you think he would like other than a video game store? I have a budget for your gifts this year because of the house: about $20/person, maybe $40 since I didn't get any of you guys birthday presents.

Serina, what materials do not bother your skin?
Em, where is your more detailed Christmas list?

Serina, I probably would prefer soaps: hand-made or French-milled. Something that smells really nice. Don't worry, I'll have some Dove soap for you guys to use as well as detergent for sensitive skin. If you must do chocolate, there is a store here in Seattle that I can show you.

Em, doesn't James prevent you from being a workaholic? Are you learning anything new at your job? Are you still getting us nice underwear or pjs? I'm looking forward to that.

Slippers anyone or will you bring your own? They have good sales. =)

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