Monday, November 26, 2007


Hey guys!
I haven't kept in touch for awhile. How is everything? I've been busy. I was wondering what day we're driving up to seattle. Owen still refuses so i think that's gonna be your forte em, because you can usually get him to go.
Thanksgiving was ok, Serina came down and we still have turkey. It sounds like you guys had a hell of a thanksgiving and you're probably all stuffed.

Alright down to the good stuff:


Alright I'll have a million dollars right now! Just kidding!

There are a few things that I was able to think of (you can sigh in relief now Debs):
external hard drive
prismacolor pencils (I know...who asks for color pencils...but they're the best!)
Dremmel (helpful for school, although surprising not on the top of my list)
Books (all sorts, not picky, surprise me)

Also Debs,
I decided that I'm not going to send you things. I'm just going to bring it when I get down there and hope you don't already have it.

All right, I'll talk to you guys later!

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