Friday, July 27, 2007


Hi All,

Where is everyone? Great article Em. Well, it seems I've gotten a really bad case of the flu. I took the day off yesterday and slept as much as I could. I'm still not completely over it but at least I'm somewhat functional. Comicon has made its way through town. It was crazy on Preview Night Wednesday where there were huge crowds everywhere. These two tall men in front of me were wrestling for a free bag. I kept saying, "It's just a bag. It's just a bag" and finally one let go. There wasn't a line or anything. People would push up against each other to get these free bags a vendor was passing out. Now you may ponder why I was there in the first place. Believe it or not, I feel I have become a less frugal person. Maybe it's because I've started to earn money and am learning the value of it. Either that, or I've met so many even more frugal people than me, their attitudes and personalities have scared me into spending. It's probably a combination of both. Anyway, not really wanting a bag for myself, I asked Mr. Boyfriend if he wanted a bag. Having said yes, I made my way through the crowd to get one believing he wasn't aggressive or fast enough to do it himself.* I was one of the last few to have gotten one. Then they started passing out cardboard shields and the crowds were just as feverent in wanting one. It was insane. I kind of wish I grabbed a shield as it would have come in handy fighting my way back out away from the crowd. All kinds of people, young and old, sweaty and/or smelly in some way shape or form had rubbed against me as I tried to head in a safe area. At one point, I was afraid I'd get trampled. All in all, I came out in one piece.

Alright, hope all is doing well. James seems to be having fun.

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