Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Yo Yo Yo

Ho Ho Ho. How was everyone's New Year?

I went to a party in Queens with my friends Cecilia and her cousin Tammy . It was very small and relaxed; at a friend of a friend's house. It was okay. Truthfully, I really wanted to stay at home and watch DVDs. I watched the Royal Tennenbaums again and I appreciated it more this time around. I still want to see Darjeeling Limited.

Serina, I hope you made it back safely. I called to tell you that the socks you got me are GREAT. They are really warm and fit perfectly.

Viv, let's go ice-skating when you get here! It should be sunny and cold so bring warm clothes.

I think instead of going to Japan for our first family trip, we should go to Hong Kong. Mommy really wants to go back and it'd be fun to see it all together. Yeye has never met Owen, Viv or Serina; I'd like to see Uncle Cesar and Auntie Ella again, they're really fun. We can EAT. It'll be great. What do you guys think?

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