Saturday, October 17, 2009

Birthday Cards from classes

Glitter Cards


Polka Dots

holiday cards

I promised Serina I would post some of the cards I have been making.

Here are some from a Halloween class I took recently.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

The rock opera you've all been waiting for

Click here to have your mind blown.

for more on white gold, milk musician.

If you’ve never heard of White Gold, he’s the marketing creation of California Milk Processor Board and ad agency Goodby Silverstein & Partners San Francisco - who together brought us the infamous “Got Milk” campaign. He’s a bit over the top, sports white spandex and simply loves milk.

This isn’t all for naught, the Got Milk people have a goal in producing a milk themed rock opera. This is part of $50,000 scholarship for the arts for the California Public Highschool art programs. Nothing is being given away for free however. There is going to be a contest in which entrants (students) will enter by creating their own video spoof of the White Gold Rock Opera and uploading it. More details on the exact rules and where to upload are coming next week, so stay tuned to GeekDad for that.

The prizes will be a $20K scholarship for first place, one $10K winner for second place and 8 honorable mentions at $2.5K each!

from wired's geek dad