THis is great, Em! Very innovative name as well: Kwokpot--I love it!
Anyways--what's been going on in my life: I got a perm today-large curls/waves; I think I look the way I did when I was 15 with a perm, which isn't necessarily a compliment. It's more relaxed than the last one so we'll see how it turns out. I'll post a pic eventually.
I'm working part-time as a medical assistant with a women's clinic. It's going real well; lots to learn, everyone is really nice and helpful and the bosses are much more supportive and guiding than my last ones.
I don't work at the restaurant anymore and that is a huge stress-reliever. I liked my co-workers and the customers but the managers (one of which is my friend's fiancee's best friend and therefore how I obtained the job) were horrible. They didn't give me any training and then yelled at me a lot for making mistakes. And they would always pick the perfect time to lecture us on our ineptness--during the lunch hour rush or dinner hour rush. I thought at first that this was just how waiters/resses were treated, but then one of my co-workers who has been a waitress for 5 years said that she has never been treated this bad. At all the other places she worked, she was treated with respect and goodwill. Anyways, I've got plenty of stories to tell you of the managers, but I won't write them here b/c I've already wasted enough space with them.
I've got rejected from the two Master's programs; I'm still waiting to here back from the BSN programs. Cross your fingers for me.
I'm still considering a tattoo. Here's a pic of what I want but I would like it to be mostly turquoise.

The guy did email me back, Em. His secretary/assistant apologized for the delay but they've been swamped therefore the backlog in emails. They mentioned he might make a West Coast trip in the future. I might wait for him or I might go with this lady here in Seattle: Her art is pretty cool too.
Okay let's here about your lives....