Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Whats going on...

Hey guys,
So I'm finally on! I need a haircut badly I'm starting to look a little shabby, so maybe this weekend. I'm not sure what to do yet but something needs to be done with all this hair!!! Yes I am moving back home and I'm not sure if I got into CCA yet. My acceptance was delayed because there was some mix up with my transcripts, but I am planning to apply for this internship that has offices in SF, seattle, Shanghai and London. I debating which office to apply to. Its either Shanghai or London though. Tough call isn't it? I also plan to apply to three more so it should be awesome. I might be able to do two seeing as how most of them are for the summer.
I'm a little sad to stop my learning and model making for a bit and I am worried about getting into CCA and the differences in schools but hopefully it will all be for the better. I have millions of plans for my time off. Including:
Make furniture
Learn how to fix a car? How it works
Scholarships-essays: 2 a week/ writing reading
Keep up with Arce practice
Learn a different language (maybe 2)
(intern for dwell magazine?)
Work/intern in Anna's monoprint studio or take classes
Learn and practice sketchup, adobe photoshop, and Indesign
Build up and format my portfolio
I am excited!!!

I have been talking to Mommy a bit and I think she's irritated by me, but about what I'm not sure. LOTTO!! I didn't know it was that high. I don't think it exist down here really. News really doesn't (I just found out Britney Spears went crazy? How long ago was that? and Anna Nicole Smith passed away. I have no sense of pop culture).

I AM GETTING FAT!!! but chocolate is a good butt insulator and squishy butts make good cushions for studio chairs! (Yeah yeah make comments about how vulgar I am, but do you judge Serina when she claims she needs to poop every time you talk to her...yeah ask yourself that question!) Sorry Serina don't mean to pick on you but its already a well spread fact.

I'm also taking Pilates which I tell you is some tough stuff. I can't do half the roll-up moves and I rolled and jiggled my way by accident onto someone's mat, but its okay it was the kid that did all the moves perfectly, might as well take him down if I'm gonna go down too. ( I bet you, I did half the class a favor!)

That is a cool tattoo debs. Are you going for exactly like that or different colors? Do you watch Miami tattoo? its actually an interesting show. It shows tatoo artists tatooing live and you get to see what the customer's designs are. Its actually really inspiring.

hey em. do you want me to give you a pep talk? and how about spandex or tights?